Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Rant: I hate "Software Technology"

I try not to use the term "Software Technology" because I am a software developer and I am a writer. I know this term to be an oxymoron. This is why.

Software comes from code. Lines and lines of code called a programming language. If you put the language together in a certain way, it forms a program that the computer can use to carry out certain tasks. 

Books come from words. Lines and lines of words called a language. If you put the language together in a certain way, it forms a story that the reader can use to inform themselves or imagine other places.

Software patents are a fallacy. If anything, software is subject to copyright laws - like books.

But MR GB! Programs give the computer instructions. It is not recreation.

I have read more how to books than I care to admit. They gave me instructions on how to complete a task. Should they also be subject to patent law? I think not.

If books were subject to patent law, the dummies books and the complete idiot guides would sue each other out of existence. Each has information about the same topics and both solve the same problem but they are completely different works.

We do not go around saying books are technology. 

Ooh, book technology. I think I will patent it.


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