Friday, February 1, 2013

Gigastrand OS: Cloud Backup for Everyone

Gigastrand just announced that the Spideroak backup client will be included as one of the pre-loaded software packages in the Gigastrand OS.

Spideroak is a cloud-based backup system that offers its users 2GB of backup free for life and features Zero-knowledge backup for safe and secure online backups.

Gigastrand has been promoting the Spideroak platform for several years as a viable cross-platform cloud-based backup. They have clients for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and - yes - even Apple iOS. The account can be shared with unlimited devices making it more open than comparable services.

To use the Spideroak service on the Gigastrand OS, you will need a Spideroak account. You can sign up for a free account by clicking on the banner below.


SpiderOak Online Backup, Storage, Access, Sync, and Sharing

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