Monday, April 1, 2013

Gigastrand OS: BETA 2 Now Available!

Funny story.

We actually had BETA 2 ready last Wednesday and even started documenting a few of the minor bugs that either weren't addressed from BETA 1 or were brand new bugs. We even updated the documentation and then realized that it was still Wednesday. We still had 4 days to tackle some of the minor bugs we had documented. So, we set about the task of doing just that.

The good news is that we ended up with something even better than we planned to release. While it is still an early BETA and there is much more to do, I am proud to say we have made far more progress than I had hoped. You can download it here: BETA Download Page

What's next?
BETA 3 is the next planned release, however, we need to raise about 10% of our goal to make it happen. You can help in many ways.

1. Go to Join the Project and make a donation or purchase products. 100% of the proceeds go to the OS fund.
2. Lend a hand. We are looking for people who have the knowledge and skills to make the Gigastrand OS even better. We will reward those who help us accomplish tasks 
3. Provide feedback. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, what works and what doesn't during the BETA phase. You don't even have to commit to installing the OS. You can provide feedback on the forums, or even

In the meantime, work will be focused primarily on support systems. In a couple of weeks, we will be announcing our plans for BETA 3.

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