Monday, April 29, 2013

Using the Gigastrand OS Diagnostic Utilities

The Gigastrand OS has several diagnostic tools you can use to troubleshoot and repair PC issues. This is a basic rundown of those tools. For more information search for the various programs. We are currently creating documentation on these programs.

Live DVD
Dead PC? Use the Live DVD to revive or reclaim functionality to your PC.
Where is it? The Gigastrand OS Disc

Mem Test (Memory Test)
This tests the RAM in your system for defects that can cause software to crash. 
Where is it? This test can be run from the Live DVD Menu.

Gsmart Control (Hard Drive Test)
This tests your Hard Drive for errors and works like Seatools - only better. It allows you to run  diagnostics on your machine's hard drive.
Where is it? Go>System>GSmart Control

KDE Partition Manager (Partition Editor)
Create, delete, resize, or modify partition tables on your hard drive.
Where is it? Go>System>KDE Partition Manager

Ping Command similar to the one in Windows.
Where is it? Open in Terminal

Knmap (Port Scanner)
Scan for open ports on a Network
Where is it? Go>Utilites>Knmap

Angry IP (IP Scanner)
Scan for devices on a network.
Where is it? In the repository then in Go>Internet>Angry IP Scanner

File browser great for copying files off of hard drive onto other media.
Where is it? Go>System>Dolphin

Backup to your Spideroak account.
Where is it? Go>Internet>Spideroak Backup

Remote assistance software. Get remote help on demand.
Where is it? Go>Internet>TeamViewer

I dentify and get information on hardware installed in your system.
Where is it? Go>Settings>KInfoCenter

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